Split Ranch
"HE causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the labor of man, so that he may bring forth food from the earth," - Psalms 104:14
Since the beginning of time, beef cattle and the labor of man have aided in providing for the livelihood of many. Shepherding one's herd and being a steward of the land go without saying. Located in the grandeur of Mule Creek, NM, Split Ranch Resources strives to excel in such a lifestyle. Split Ranch Resources is "split" by the state line of eastern AZ and western NM. To the glory of God and to better serve you, the Angus cattle ranch specializes in providing All Natural "prime" Angus beef, replacement cattle, and versatile cow horses. In the ruggedness of the extreme high desert, we at Split Ranch Resources understand the unwavering romance that one must possess to endure in the ranching industry. With the ever so changing world, Split Ranch Resources finds comfort in the glow of a campfire and early morning bawling of a cow calling her calf. The cowboy is being pushed aside by technology and science. How will we make cowmen, cow horses, and good 'ol hospitable members of society who stand on principle and moral values? At Split Ranch Resources, we do not claim to know everything about Angus cattle or the ranching industry but focus on expanding our knowledge of them with firsthand experience, through tears and sweat, to provide our customers the comfort they deserve with each trade. Our way of thinking has carried us for 20 years in the business, and Lord willing, we'll endure a few more droughts, market collapses, and horse wrecks. Our passion is in serving the Lord, serving others, and the cowboy way of life. We want you to know that you are welcome at our outfit anytime, so pull your boots off and stay awhile.
Thank you.
For visiting Split Ranch Resources. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Visit Our Contact page, for more information.

Mike & Sandra Miranda
PO Box 77
Mule Creek, New Mexico 88051
Office: 575-535-8888
Mike: 432-295-0560